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Supporting Small Business Is Our Business
We have many different types of loans including SBA Loans, Term Loans, MCA (Merchant Cash Advance), Invoice Factoring, Receivables Factoring and many others.
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We provide financing to a wide range of businesses including retailers, restaurants, hotels, medical professionals,
manufacturers, construction companies, wholesalers and automotive dealers and suppliers… just to name a few.
Merchant Cash Advance
Merchant Cash Advance is not a loan. It is a discounted, prepaid purchase of future credit card receipts. Businesses receive cash today for the sales that they will make tomorrow and pay back a small percentage of their daily credit card receipts over 6 to 10 months until it is fully repaid.
Revenue Based Funding
Revenue based funding is designed for businesses that derive little revenue from credit card sales. Like Merchant Cash Advance, this product is not a loan but the purchase of future receivables. In this case, the future deposits of the business. Financing is based on the amount of cash flow through the businesses operating accounts and repayment is made by automated electronic debits (ACH debit).
Receivable Factoring
Financing invoices for services and products that have been completed or delivered. The factor advances money to the business as a form of a loan that is collateralized by a security interest in the company’s accounts receivables. Loan amounts are determined as a percentage of the invoices full amount.The advance rate is usually 70% to 90% of the total face value of the invoices.